From genocide to 58 smiling, loving and welcoming children

12/13/15 – Day 1:  9:45AM – Kigali Genocide Museum. 1:15M – My ride to the mountains Thank you Thosson!  We made it through the fog, rain and mist – here’s to safety first 🙂 2:30PM – My lovely welcome from Lisa and Tor at Sabinyo Silverback Lodge – and….i’m the ONLY one here! 3:30 –

12/12/15 – From Serena Hotel Kigali Rwanda

During the near 24 hour journey here, i read about other’s experience of Africa. One in particular struck me – “Africa is a feeling.  Africa is an emotion.  Of course it is much more detailed than that, but also just as simple… Africa is the awe-inspiring landscapes, the beauty in the people, the wild creatures