Dear Rwanda…with your resilient spirit, bright smiles and endless hallo’s.

12/21/15 Dear Rwanda, I leave you today, unenthusiastically.  This is farewell for now, not goodbye. In the short, yet rich and full 6 days i’ve spent here, i’ve fallen in love.  The space, the energy, the noble spirit, the underlying tension and stories never spoken of, the appreciation for life and the pursuit of doing something

Amahoro Group Trek – Day 5 – 12/18/15

Final day of trekking with my beloved mountain gorillas in Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park.  Bitter sweet…truly.  Rwanda and our cousins have a special place in my heart. Welcome to the Amahoro Group (meaning Peace). This family is quite serene and congenial – which can pose problems for a SB.  Ubumwe, pictured here is the leader

Helping People, Saving Gorillas – DFGFI Community Work – 12/15/15

12/15/15 – After a long and exciting day of trekking, i spent time with Ildephonse Munyenyero, Manager of the ecosystem health program…who greeted me at the location of the community projects DFGFI is instituting in the areas around Volcanoes National Park. Why is DFGFI doing projects in the community?  Well…as we know, we are all in

Hirwa Group Trek – Day 4 of Trekking 12/ 17/15

Meet Munyinya – the leader of the Hirwa group – (Hirwa means lucky) the usual 6:30AM start, and today’s trek was deep mud, thick forest and lots of rain!  My excitement cannot be deterred.  Trekking with people who have never seen or been in the presence of gorillas before is extremely encouraging.  the squeals of

Day 2 of gorilla trekking – Sabyinyo Group – 12/15/15

12/15/15 – 6:30AM pick up to head to Volcanoes National Park – not even a blink of a bother considering the absolute fortune ahead of having the opportunity to be in the presence of gorillas. Today we were led by the eldest, wisest and most entertaining guides Rwanda has ever seen – Francois.  Though he’s

Volcanes National Park – First Trek 12/14/15

I have waited for what seems like an eternity to be near these beautiful beings….today, was simply…magical. We trekked about 1 hour into the deep forest to find Agasha’s (means special)  group of gorillas feeding, playing and socializing.  i believe there are 13 in the group – we got to see about 9 or 10

From genocide to 58 smiling, loving and welcoming children

12/13/15 – Day 1:  9:45AM – Kigali Genocide Museum. 1:15M – My ride to the mountains Thank you Thosson!  We made it through the fog, rain and mist – here’s to safety first 🙂 2:30PM – My lovely welcome from Lisa and Tor at Sabinyo Silverback Lodge – and….i’m the ONLY one here! 3:30 –

12/12/15 – From Serena Hotel Kigali Rwanda

During the near 24 hour journey here, i read about other’s experience of Africa. One in particular struck me – “Africa is a feeling.  Africa is an emotion.  Of course it is much more detailed than that, but also just as simple… Africa is the awe-inspiring landscapes, the beauty in the people, the wild creatures