My new friend Joe – a lesson in being vs. doing

The Universe Provides – a lesson in being vs. doing – 4/18

Saturday, March 29th, on a walk to purchase some boxes from an open UPS store on 12th and Wood, I was struck by magnitude of poverty and the endless run down, boarded up abandoned beauties of yesterday.  Spring Garden between 4th and 12th was littered with these building, many grand feats of architecture in their

African Landscapes – Northern kenya reflections

Jan 10, 2016 With just 14 days left in the bush, I’m reflecting on the vast differences in not only countries in Africa, but regions, towns and landscapes. Many quotes, books, films conjure up images of the African Savannah: tall sun-drenched, golden brown grasses swaying lazily in a gentle wind, acacia trees on a hilltop

Day 1 Trekking Uganda – 12/20/15 – Yin and Yang

“To every action there is always opposed and equal reaction”-  isaac newton. It’s just rarely what we expect it to be.  They key is being open to observing all parts, being humble enough to learn through curious senses – seeing and experiencing all occurrences, even those seemingly unrelated, for I’ve found that the one universal

Waking up with a leopard and going to bed with a lion….

Today i have about an hour to reflect upon the morning with Fig, the hyenas, zebras and elephants…when i’m struck that each morning so far here in africa, i have woken up ready to explore, with an open heart and mind…no expectations whatsoever.  THIS IS EXTRAORDINARY!  The sunrise today lingers with me – a new